Getting Started with Huron COI v10.5 (308)

This online course provides a complete overview of the COI system, including key tasks performed by various users of the system. At the end of this course, you will be able to drive the system from end-to-end, from creation of a certification through to completion of the review process.

Please complete the survey at the end. Your feedback is very helpful.
  • 1. Introduction
  • 1.1 How to Use this Course
  • 1.2 COI Overview (4:21)
  • 1.3 Key Concepts (7:11)
  • 1.4 Review Workflow Overview (5:23)
  • 2. Basic Navigation
  • 2.1 Navigate the General Dashboard (4:12)
  • 2.2 Navigate the COI Page (2:12)
  • 2.3 Navigate the Disclosure Profile Workspace (3:19)
  • 2.4 Tips for Completing a SmartForm (6:21)
  • 2.5 Navigate the Research Certification Workspace (3:05)
  • 2.6 The COI Workflow (5:09)
  • 3. COI Administrator Tasks
  • 3.1 Create and Manage Triggering Events (4:54)
  • 3.2 Complete exercises 1 and 2
  • 4. The Discloser Experience
  • 4.1 Discloser Overview (1:15)
  • 4.2 Update Your Disclosure Profile - Nothing to Disclose (1:18)
  • 4.3 Update Your Disclosure Profile - No Changes (2:09)
  • 4.4 Update Your Disclosure Profile - Changes (6:47)
  • 4.5 Respond to a Clarification Request (2:06)
  • 4.6 Review and Accept Management Plans (2:56)
  • 4.7 Submit a Pre-Approval Request (5:34)
  • 4.8 Complete exercises 3 and 4
  • 5. The Reviewer Experience
  • 5.1 Review a Research Certification (5:17)
  • 5.2 Submit an Intermediate Review (1:38)
  • 5.3 Submit a Final Review (6:13)
  • 5.4 Submit a Committee Review (1:48)
  • 5.5 Move a Certification Between Review States (2:06)
  • 5.6 Request a Clarification (1:30)
  • 5.7 Assign a Reviewer (1:04)
  • 5.8 Submit a Research Portfolio Review (5:03)
  • 5.9 Review a Pre-Approval Request (1:54)
  • 5.10 Compare Project Versions (3:47)
  • 5.11 Track Review Progress (2:34)
  • 5.12 Complete exercises 5 through 10
  • 6. Management Plans
  • 6.1 Create and Manage a Management Plan (4:50)
  • 6.2 Update Conflicts (2:08)
  • 6.3 Add a New Conflict to an Active Management Plan (1:31)
  • 6.4 Reassign a Conflict to a Different Management Plan (1:51)
  • 6.5 Return Plan for Update Activity (1:12)
  • 6.6 Complete exercises 11 through 14
  • 7. Additional COI Features
  • 7.1 Use Central Actions to Perform Admin Tasks (3:29)
  • 7.2 Perform a Retrospective Review and Create a Mitigation Plan (3:20)
  • 7.3 Manage Ancillary Reviews (4:16)
  • 7.4 Assign a Proxy and Perform Proxy Tasks (3:01)
  • 7.5 Standard Reports Overview (2:13)
  • 8. Course Completion
  • 8.1 Complete This Course by Uploading Your Work
  • 8.2 Huron COI v10.5 Course Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed