Huron IRB v10.5 Multi-Site Studies Tour (611)

This tour provides a complete overview of the Huron IRB system for the single IRB of record for multi-site studies, including key tasks performed by various users. At the end of this tour you should understand the Huron IRB multi-site study workflow from end-to-end, from creation of an initial multi-site study through completion of the review process. You will also learn how to complete multi-site continuing reviews, site modifications, and reportable new information.

Please complete the brief survey at the end. Your feedback is very helpful.
  • Course Overview (2:29)
  • Single IRB of Record Review of MSS Overview (6:32)
  • Section I. Initial Submission of an MSS
  • 1. sIRB Researcher Tasks
  • 1.1 sIRB Researcher Overview (:40)
  • 1.2 Create an MSS (2:25)
  • 1.3 Manage Participating Sites (2:26)
  • 1.4 Submit an MSS (1:34)
  • 2. pSite Researcher Tasks
  • 2.1 pSite Researcher Overview (1:02)
  • 2.2 Edit a Site (1:52)
  • 2.3 Submit a Site to the sIRB (:56)
  • 3. sIRB Reviewer Tasks
  • 3.1 sIRB Reviewer Overview (:41)
  • 3.2 sIRB Reviewer (1:11)
  • 4. sIRB IRBC Tasks
  • 4.1 sIRB IRBC Overview (1:21)
  • 4.2 Submit an Invitation to a pSite (1:57)
  • 4.3 Mark Site Materials as Received (1:12)
  • 4.4 Correspond with a Site (1:14)
  • 4.5 Update a Site from the IRB Exchange (1:16)
  • 4.6 Create an Institutional Profile (3:05)
  • 5. pSite IRBC Tasks
  • 5.1 pSite IRBC Overview (1:25)
  • 5.2 Download a Study from the IRB Exchange (1:16)
  • 5.3 Confirm Reliance on the sIRB (1:11)
  • 5.4 Correspond with the sIRB (1:02)
  • 5.5 Record the sIRB Decision (1:46)
  • 5.6 Close a Site (:41)
  • 6. Multi-Site Studies: End-to-End
  • 6.1 End-to-End Overview (2:21)
  • 6.2 End-to-End Demonstration (12:24)
  • Section II. Other Submission Types
  • 7. Continuing Review (CR)
  • 7.1 CR Overview (2:48)
  • 7.2 sIRB Researcher: Submit a CR (5:48)
  • 7.3 pSite Researcher: Report CR Data for a Site (1:06)
  • 8. Site Modification
  • 8.1 Site Modification Overview (2:39)
  • 8.2 pSite Researcher: Submit a Site Mod (2:16)
  • 8.3 pSite IRBC: Approve a Site Mod (1:21)
  • 8.4 sIRB IRBC: Download a Site Mod (0:41)
  • 9. Reportable New Information (RNI)
  • 9.1 RNI Overview (2:28)
  • 9.2 pSite Researcher: Submit an RNI (1:41)
  • 10.1 Huron IRB v10.5 Multi-Site Studies Tour Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed