Grants → Funding Proposals

Getting Started with Huron Grants v10.5 Funding Proposal (415)

This online course explains how researchers and reviewers use the Huron Grants system. At the end of this course, you will be able to navigate the system, create a funding proposal, budget, and SF424, and move the proposal package through the pre-award review process.

Please complete the brief survey at the end. Your feedback is very helpful.
  • 1. Introduction
  • 1.1 How to Use this Course
  • 1.2 Introduction to Funding Proposals (3:43)
  • 2. Navigation, Roles, & Security
  • 2.1 Navigate the General Dashboard (4:12)
  • 2.2 Navigate the Central Office Dashboard (7:30)
  • 2.3 Navigate the Funding Proposal Workspace (7:54)
  • 2.4 Navigate the Budget Workspace (2:48)
  • 2.5 Grants User Roles & Security (5:14)
  • 3. Funding Application Package Creation
  • 3.1 Tips for Completing a SmartForm (6:21)
  • 3.2 Create a Funding Proposal (11:24)
  • 3.3 Validate SmartForm Data (2:27)
  • 3.4 Complete Exercise 1
  • 3.5 Complete a Budget (11:58)
  • 3.6 Create a Subaward Budget (4:11)
  • 3.7 Create a Cost Share Budget (1:28)
  • 3.8 Complete Exercises 2-4
  • 3.9 Create or Update the SF424 Forms (3:50)
  • 3.10 Assign Ancillary Reviewers (2:38)
  • 3.11 Submit an Ancillary Review (1:21)
  • 3.12 Certify and Submit a Funding Proposal for Review (2:23)
  • 3.13 Complete Exercises 5-7
  • 4. Overview of Reviewer Tools
  • 4.1 Intro to Reviewer Tools (1:19)
  • 4.2 Print Projects (1:52)
  • 4.3 Track Review Progress (2:34)
  • 4.4 Compare Project Versions (3:47)
  • 4.5 Learn About Reviewer Notes (7:57)
  • 5. Department Review
  • 5.1 Review a Funding Proposal (Department Reviewer) (3:04)
  • 5.2 Request Changes (Department Reviewer) (2:56)
  • 5.3 Respond to a Change Request (2:06)
  • 5.4 Submit a Department Review (2:22)
  • 5.5 Complete Exercises 8-10
  • 6. Specialist Review
  • 6.1 Assign a Grants Specialist (1:17)
  • 6.2 Review a Funding Proposal (Specialist) (2:22)
  • 6.3 Request Changes (Specialist) (2:23)
  • 6.4 Modify Ancillary Reviews (1:30)
  • 6.5 Submit a Specialist Review (2:07)
  • 6.6 Submit a Funding Proposal to the Sponsor (5:38)
  • 6.7 Complete Exercises 11-13
  • 7. Sponsor Review
  • 7.1 Notify Sponsored Programs of the Proposal Status (1:36)
  • 7.2 Update Proposal Status with Sponsor Determination (2:51)
  • 7.3 Respond to a JIT Request (1:48)
  • 7.4 Complete Exercises 14-18
  • 8. Course Survey
  • Huron Grants v10.5 Funding Proposal Course Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed