
Getting Started with Huron Safety v10.5 (906)

Huron Safety is a comprehensive application that supports Biosafety (Institutional Biosafety Committee), Radiation Safety (Institutional Isotope Committee), Chemical Safety, and Stem Cell Research Oversight committees. In this course, you will learn about Huron Safety from the perspective of the researcher and reviewer. You will learn how to create, submit and review a biosafety protocol; submit an amendment; record safety inspections, and submit safety incidents.

Please complete the brief survey at the end. Your feedback is very helpful.
  • 1. Introduction
  • 1.1 How to Use this Course
  • 1.2 Introduction to Huron Safety (:38)
  • 2. Navigation
  • 2.1 Navigate the General Dashboard (4:12)
  • 2.2 Navigate Your Integrated Solution (2:49)
  • 2.3 Navigate Safety (2:23)
  • 2.4 Navigate the Protocol Workspace (1:03)
  • 2.5 Tips for Completing a SmartForm (6:21)
  • 3. The Researcher's Experience
  • 3.1 Create a Biosafety Protocol (6:28)
  • 3.2 Validate SmartForm Data (2:27)
  • 3.3 Submit the Protocol for Review (1:19)
  • 3.4 Respond to a Clarification Request (2:37)
  • 3.5 Assign Ancillary Reviewers (3:23)
  • 3.6 Submit an Ancillary Review (1:39)
  • 3.7 Complete Exercises 1-5
  • 3.8 Integration Overview: Safety-IACUC (4:54)
  • 4. Overview of Reviewer Tools
  • 4.1 Intro to Reviewer Tools (1:19)
  • 4.2 Print Projects (1:52)
  • 4.3 Track Review Progress (2:34)
  • 4.4 Compare Project Versions (3:47)
  • 4.5 Learn about Reviewer Notes (7:57)
  • 5. The Reviewer's Experience
  • 5.1 Assign a Safety Specialist (1:00)
  • 5.2 Send the Protocol for Biosafety Officer Review (:45)
  • 5.3 Review a Safety Submission (1:43)
  • 5.4 Request a Clarification (:39)
  • 5.5 Review a Clarification Response (1:44)
  • 5.6 Submit a Biosafety Risk Assessment (:56)
  • 5.7 Submit Specialist Review (1:03)
  • 5.8 Assign Committee Reviewers (:50)
  • 5.9 Submit Committee Review (1:09)
  • 5.10 Prepare and Send the Letter (2:39)
  • 5.11 Override an Ancillary Review (1:55)
  • 5.12 Complete Exercises 6-14
  • 6. Follow-On Submissions
  • 6.1 Create and Submit an Amendment (3:28)
  • 6.2 Approve the Amendment and Notify the PI (2:05)
  • 6.3 Create and Submit a Continuing Review (3:33)
  • 6.4 Create and Submit a De Novo Submission (3:05)
  • 6.5 Convert an Amendment or CR (2:59)
  • 6.6 Complete Exercises 15-20
  • 7. Safety Inspections
  • 7.1 Schedule a Safety Inspection (1:39)
  • 7.2 Record Inspection Findings (2:19)
  • 7.3 Complete the Inspection (:57)
  • 7.4 Complete Exercises 21-23
  • 8. Safety Incidents
  • 8.1 Create and Submit an Incident (2:06)
  • 8.2 Require Corrective Action for the Incident (1:12)
  • 8.3 Manage the Corrective Action Plan (1:28)
  • 8.4 Complete Exercises 24-26
  • 9. Course Survey
  • Huron Safety v10.5 Course Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed